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IPL match elab dld srm | PROGRAMINGWIZARDS

c program

This C code reads an integer input and displays it in octal and hexadecimal formats.

Here's what each part of the code does:

- #include <stdio.h>: Includes the standard input-output header file for handling input and output operations.

- int main(): Defines the main function of the program.

- int iplno;: Declares an integer variable named `iplno`.

- scanf("%d",&iplno); : Reads an integer input from the user and stores it in the variable `iplno`.

- printf("%o",iplno);: Prints the value of `iplno` in octal format using `%o`.

- printf("\n%x",iplno);: Prints the value of `iplno` in hexadecimal format using `%x`. `\n` adds a new line before printing the hexadecimal value.

- return 0;: Indicates successful completion of the program.

So, when you run this code,if you to enter an integer. After you enter a number, it will display that number in octal and hexadecimal formats on separate lines.

IPL match

c code:

#include <stdio.h>

int main()


 int iplno;




return 0;


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